Don’t miss out and secure your shelf a daisy.
‘Coz in this NFT collection, normal is the new rare…

Welcome to the Freaky Daisy Casting Show!
We present to you 7777 unique Freaky Daisy NFTs.

For those who wanna know what’s going on behind the scenes …

Hello Freaks
A new NFT collection is in da house. 7777 daisies look for freaks to help them prepare for the FDCS contest.

FDCS Contest
Enter the Freaky Daisy Casting Show competition by buying one of the first 500 Freaky Daisy NFTs.

Let The Show Begin!
Public sale has started. Take your chance and secure your shelf a daisy before it wanders off.

Public Vote
Petals matter! A public vote will decide on the winners of the Freaky Daisy Casting Show NFT contest.

Minting with Benefits
Mint a unique NFT on the OpenSea marketplace and don't miss out on the chance to win a rare Orange Daisy.

Orange Daisy Draw
FDCS result will determine three owners who will receive an exclusive super-rare Orange Daisy.
F.A.Q. &
our answers
7777 unique NFT daisies hide in the OpenSea marketplace. They have blue, pink, white and/or yellow petals; the latter is particularly rare.
None of them has orange petals though … ‘coz obviously orange doesn’t come natural to a daisy!
Still—against all evolutional odds—three orange daisies made it to the NFT metaverse. Why they’re orange? We don’t know … but we have suspicion something dodgy has been going on with their seeds.
Quantum physics apply to this NFT collection.
The daisies are present but yet invisible—hiding somewhere in the metaverse of NFTs. All of them have all traits and no traits at the same time. Only when observed (aka minted) they will reveal their traits to the NFT audience.
In other words: This is a randomized NFT drop.
You wanna buy yourself flowers?
Public sale of the Freaky Daisy NFT collection has started on OpenSea. To own a daisy, all you need to do is mint it.
*No watering or fertilizing required.
We provide high-level frippery at low-level minting costs.
The mint price for this NFT collection is 0.0025 ETH + gas fee per NFT.
Look out for special offers!
The Freaky Daisy Casting Show contest takes place after 500 daisies entered the contest.
Good news is: All owners of the first 500 daisy NFTs will automatically participate in the contest.
Bad news is: Only three lucky winners will receive a unique NFT daisy with orange petals.
Good news is: At least three lucky winners will receive a unique NFT daisy with orange petals.
More good news is: The daisies will be minted and automatically transferred to the winning wallets.

Want to own a
Freaky Daisy NFT?
Join a genuine community of people who give daisies a chance.